Dogs are truly our best friends, and it doesn’t take a genius to see why. They’re affectionate, loyal, and non-judgmental about your TV habits. But did you know they also have scientifically proven benefits, like reducing stress and keeping you active? Recent studies confirm what we’ve always felt: dogs are perfect companions. Caring for a dog isn’t always easy, but it’s undeniably rewarding because they often take care of you too. The moments of joy and the research-backed reasons below make bringing a furry friend into your home an obvious choice.
Table of Contents
- 1. They Offer Social Support, Especially for Kids
- 2. They Relieve Stress
- 3. They Teach Kids Responsibility
- 4. They Reduce Allergies in Children
- 5. They Motivate You to Be More Active
- 6. They Help You Age Gracefully
1. They Offer Social Support, Especially for Kids

You call your dog “Buddy” for a reason! Research shows that having a pet, whether a dog or a cat, can significantly boost self-esteem and create a sense of belonging, particularly in children and adolescents. A 2017 study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health revealed that pet ownership enhances intellectual, emotional, and social development in young people, with the most significant impact on kids under six and those over ten. Children with pets are more socially active and playful, often having larger social networks than those without pets.
Dogs also enhance social connections for adults. A 2015 survey of 2,700 adults in Nashville, San Diego, Portland, and Perth found that pet owners were 60 percent more likely to meet people in their neighborhoods than non-pet owners. Moreover, nearly half of the pet owners relied on friends they met through their pets for support during tough times.
At the very least, dogs help reduce feelings of loneliness by being constant companions. Whether they’re allowed on the couch or not, their presence makes a significant difference.
2. They Relieve Stress

It’s well-known that dogs help us unwind and reduce stress. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, simply petting a dog can lower the stress hormone cortisol. The American Heart Association also highlights numerous benefits of having dogs as stress relievers, such as managing anxiety and boosting physical activity during the workday, which in turn protects your heart.
Many workplaces and universities have started employing comfort dogs to help alleviate stress during exams, major projects, and other high-pressure situations, fostering a more relaxed environment. Employees who bring their dogs to work can enjoy these stress-relieving benefits, creating a calmer and more productive workspace.
So, the next time your boss asks how to boost workplace morale, suggest bringing in a furry friend.
3. They Teach Kids Responsibility

It’s no surprise that having a pet can make kids more responsible. Caring for a pet involves considering the needs of another living being, which fosters responsibility and empathy. In 2019, American Humane found that children in classrooms with pets developed better social skills, including increased responsibility and engagement. Parents of these children also noticed a decrease in antisocial behavior at home.
Additionally, Michigan State University Extension, which shares MSU’s research with the community, highlights that pet ownership teaches kids patience—a valuable skill that benefits them throughout their lives. So, bringing a pet into your home can be a great way to instill important life skills in your children.
4. They Reduce Allergies in Children

It may seem counterintuitive given the fur and dander, but a 2018 study published in the National Library of Medicine found that children who grow up with pets are less likely to develop asthma, allergies, and eczema. Early exposure to common allergens from pets helps build immunity, reducing the risk of allergic conditions. Interestingly, having more than one pet, such as a dog and a cat, during a child’s first year is particularly beneficial for developing this immunity. While it doesn’t guarantee that your child will never develop allergies or have reactions to pet dander, the research suggests that early pet ownership can have significant health benefits.
5. They Motivate You to Be More Active

It’s a well-known fact: pet owners tend to be more physically active than those without pets, thanks to daily dog walks and outdoor playtime. Dogs need regular exercise, which means taking them out for bathroom breaks, walks, and visits to dog parks or hiking trails. This not only benefits your furry friend but also boosts your own activity levels.
Health organizations like the Mayo Clinic and the Arthritis Foundation advocate for more walking, linking it to better sleep, stronger bones, improved brain function, and weight loss. Beyond daily strolls, studies show that pet owners generally exercise more frequently.
A 2015 report from Harvard Medical School, “Get Healthy, Get a Dog,” suggests that dog ownership can lower cholesterol levels in humans, regardless of other lifestyle habits. While owning a dog won’t negate unhealthy habits like smoking, it can contribute to better long-term health.
6. They Help You Age Gracefully

In addition to the many health benefits previously mentioned, dogs can also help lower blood pressure. A 2018 study examining the impact of dogs on nursing home residents found that repeated visits from a therapy dog significantly decreased heart rates and reduced high systolic blood pressure levels.
As we age, we inevitably encounter more emotional challenges and traumas. Dogs can provide comfort and make the grieving process more bearable. For example, This article from Alliance of Therapy Dogs provides commentary on the wonderful benefits of therapy dogs in funeral homes. Therapy dogs are renowned for their ability to sense human emotions, which can be incredibly beneficial during a funeral service. These empathetic animals instinctively seek out those in need of comfort. Petting a therapy dog has been shown to release dopamine and serotonin, the hormones associated with happiness and well-being. During the challenging times of loss, therapy dogs can significantly aid the grieving process, providing much-needed solace. Offering this service can leave a lasting impression on the families in your community, demonstrating genuine care and support.
Scientific evidence supports the notion that dogs contribute to healthier and happier families, especially those with children. While dogs may not be the right fit for everyone, if you have the time and energy to care for one, the rewards can be immense.